DJ Troupe Services

Our Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) Services now Cover a Diverse Range in all of Ontario

DJ Troupe & Associates is a company that provides Testing, Adjusting and Balancing  services in the Province of Ontario.  
Our team are highly trained, technicians who are competent, confident and provide objective solutions for our clients.
Our team knows the value of testing and balancing as an extremely important part of the construction industry, we work hard to assure our clients get the most energy efficient building possible.

Communication, teamwork and dedication are the strengths of our company,
of facilities including commercial, medical, industrial and residential buildings.

HVAC systems along with building automation systems have become more complex than ever. To ensure a most efficient operation of the mechanical systems, correct adjustments of fluid flows (air and hydronic) must be made based on design.

Whether you are installing a new system or interested in improving the efficiency of an existing system, we will ensure that your equipment achieve optimum performance.

Our TAB services cover work of the following nature:

New construction
Renovation or alteration
Troubleshooting and performance studies of existing HVAC system